Many years ago, the truism that lead to profitable firm management was “’one third labor, one third overhead and one third profit.” The question then and now: where did the one third profit go?
This webinar will be lead by Ron Weiner, who’s firm, Perelson Weiner LLC, has consistently achieved the one third profit, and more, through hourly billing. He will share his firm’s methodology and values that provide ongoing commitment to delivering good value to clients at fair hourly rates while achieving over 20 years average annual standard hourly rate realization in excess of 90% over 20 years. This has been achieved through shared values and understanding the economics of practice, client service and partner profit contribution accountability coupled with a compensation methodology that rewards performance and encourages the partner performance that clients value.
Perelson Weiner LLP
Chairman and President
[email protected]
(212) 605-3111
Mr. Weiner is chairman and president of Perelson Weiner, a full service Certified Public Accounting and consulting firm dedicated to serving the needs of entrepreneurs, their families and businesses. He is an expert on management of professional service firms and entrepreneurial businesses.
His experience includes financial consulting in all areas of business, real estate and acquisitions and divestiture matters. A consultant to senior executives on special projects and personal planning, his financial background, broad domestic and international perspective and consultative skills are well attuned to the needs of Boards of companies and organizations.